Schisautomaton I hear a feather falling crackling quantum shift implosion of diametrical beauty breaking sunlight each barb infiltrating fibers of sight spinning a thousand years of deception into my temple in one psychosomatic second. Liberty, Justice, Death all three are lies each one a point on the triangle of Oppression an ever-open eye cloned into our patchwork culture feeding as much as seeing, seething with the sounds of OUR gnashing teeth. The children become aware and give voice but the crest of the wave flatlines long before reaching shore. Tectonic shift/History ends Drowned out by Liberty, Justice, Democracy until all that can be heard are the crickets of the credits. The audience is long gone. In fact, they were never listening. The film turns into random 1’s and 0’s devoured by the cancerous mouth of the past - Rewritten. Snakes strike from cal...